Friday, March 16, 2007


The AppPerfect Test Studio is a suite of products designed to help you test high-performance Web applications. Most commonly used Web technologies such as Java/J2EE, .NET, PHP, CGI, etc. are supported. The AppPerfect Test Studio consists of the following products:

AppPerfect Functional Tester

AppPerfect Functional Tester performs functional, integration and regression testing of your Web application. Manual testing of Web UI is expensive, incomplete and often inaccurate. AppPerfect Functional Tester can record Web browser interaction/events and then automatically play back the events repeatedly to ensure functional integrity and no regression due to changes made to the system. No scripting is required to use this product. Read more...

AppPerfect Load Tester

AppPerfect Load Tester is a system designed to exercise your application under conditions of heavy simulated load. "Heavy load" is any condition which would put strain on your application and the underlying application infrastructure. Simulate hundreds of virtual users to ensure your application will hold up and perform acceptably. No scripting is required to use this product

UEStudio 06 06.20

EStudio is the powerful IDE built on the chassis of UltraEdit, the world renowned text editor.

UEStudio includes all the features of UltraEdit plus Native Support for over 30 popular compilers (including Microsoft Visual C++, Java, GNU C/C++, PHP, Perl and over 30 others), an Integrated Debugger, Integrated VCS Version Control, built-in Class Browsing, Language Intelligence (like Intellisense), Project Converter, and a Batch Builder to name just a few of its advanced features.

UEStudio is fast, lightweight, and powerful and offers any UltraEdit user advanced programming functionality at a fantastic value!

UEStudio 06 06.20

Powerful Project/Solution Support
Visual Studio 6/05 to UEStudio Project conversion
Integrated Compiler Support
Integrated CVS Support
Integrated SVN Support
Multiple SVN/CVS Modules within a project
Integrated Tag Support
Project Manager
Project Templates (compiler specific)
Build functions
Build/Batch Build
Integrated debugger support for WinDbg for Microsoft C/C++ applications
WinDbg may be downloaded in debugger configuration
Windows Symbol Packages may be downloaded in debugger configuration
Run Application
Script Toolbar
PHP/Ruby support
Run scripts
New PHP function to syntax check all open PHP files
Parse Document
Strip Comments
Highlight Source
Enhanced Workspace Manager
Resource Editor
Integrated Tags
Goto Definition
Find Symbol in Active Document
Find Symbol in Project Files
FTP Account access in file tree view
Language Intelligence
Function Tips
Extended Toolbars
Standard UltraEdit-32 Toolbar
Build Toolbar
HTML Toolbar
IntelliTips Toolbar
Resource Editor Toolbar
Tools Toolbar
Style Builder
GUID Generator
Visual Studio Project Convertor
XMLLint support
Editing Features
Support for Alternate Data Streams on NTFS Operating Systems
Other Features
Integrated Scripting to automate tasks
FTP/SFTP Browser
SSH/Telnet Window
Clipboard History
Codepage conversion support
Backup toolbars and other personal customizations
File Tab Color Highlighting
Multi-key mappings (sometimes called chords)

utomize is the leader in cross platform Automation software.
Automize is a task scheduler and automation software that can automate a variety of tasks, including ftp transfers, ftp monitoring, web downloads, web site monitoring, email checking and sending, telnet, ping, directory monitoring and more.
You can choose the task from one of the many categories and then customize it to your needs. Automize contains several pre-configured tasks, not commonly found in other applications, this includes automated SQL database queries, support for MS Office tasks, CGI testing and more. All of them offer a simple template that you can customize. In addition, the chaining feature can run tasks in sequence or conditionally depending on exit codes.
Automize is a software that allows you to schedule tasks and automate them. Scheduler tasks can be run by the second or minute, or on a hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Additional features include email notifications on task failure, FTP browsing, ZIP file viewer, extensive logging, remote task control and more.
It supports dynamic variables to achieve advanced automation tasks. The program is written in Java and therefore cross-platform compatible.

F E A T U R E S:
* Automate and execute tasks as well as other software programs and applications. No programming or script knowledge is required.
* Email Notification for all tasks based on task exit code.
* Dynamic variables are supported for most tasks. Most tasks also generate variables which can be used in other tasks. Create advanced automation solutions using our Automize tasks in conjunction with variables, directory/file monitors and our task chaining system.
* Command and Windows Command tasks can run your batch files, scripts or executable programs. It can also terminate them or obtain their exit codes for use in other Automize tasks.
* Chain Task Integrator includes Commands, database sql, check email, Ftp, Web downloads, send email, url spider downloads and monitors, telnet, ping, copy, print files etc.. Run multiple programs, commands, ftp, email, web downloads etc.. in sequence with options depending on Exit codes.
* Automate FTP to/from an intranet or internet server. Schedule ftp of files between your PC and the server and automatically rename the files based on current month, day or time if needed. Ftp supports wildcards (*). Transfer multiple files at once. Supports Ftp logging and can be used as an Ftp daemon.
Schedule downloads of your favorite sports, weather, news or entertainment web page from the internet. You can automate downloads to a local filename based on the current month, day, or time for archiving. Web downloads supports Proxy Authorization for folks behind proxy servers.
* Monitor websites for any updates. Downloads any web page that has been modified.
* Check email and download email with attachments. Only messages meeting user set subject, date or sender conditions are downloaded.
* Schedule email messages with attachments to multiple recipients.
* Database SQL. Automatically send sql statements to databases. Monitor a database table for changes

* Telnet can be automated. Replay your Telnet commands on a schedule. The Advanced Telnet task can wait for your commands to finish (by detecting the telnet prompt) before sending the next telnet command.
* Ping a server to check if it is up. Maintains uptime statistics for your server.
* Automate programs, tasks or batch files with command line arguments. Launch a schedule program and pass command line arguments and start/working directory information to it.
* Zip files and directories using wildcards on schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes.
* Copy files and directories using wildcards on schedule. Can append date/time to filename for archive purposes
* Automate Microsoft Office products: Schedule a MS Access, Excel, MS Word, PowerPoint macro or other commandline startup switch. You can also schedule an Access macro and compact or repair the database.
*Print document files or delete files on schedule
*Monitor directory tree for changes
*Alarms, message reminders


Crack/Serial Or Password

Game Maker is a software application written by Mark Overmars in the Delphi programming language. Overmars released the original version on November 15, 1999.
The primary interface for the creation of games is via an object-oriented drag-and-drop system, allowing users unfamiliar with traditional programming to intuitively create games simply by organizing things visually on the screen. Users select a personally-created object and drop instances of these objects in the area of the game being worked on, and Game Maker automatically applies any global effects to that instance of the object. To extend the drag-and-drop functionality of Game Maker, users can use files called Libraries to add new drag-and-drop items known as Actions to the lists. These can be created with a special library builder.
The program is designed to allow its users to easily develop computer games without having to learn a complex programming language such as C++ or Java. For experienced users, Game Maker contains a built-in scripting programming language called the "Game Maker Language (GML)", allowing the user to further customize their game and expand features. Games can be distributed under any license (including no license), in non-editable executable ".exe" files or as the .gm6 (Version 6.x), .gmk (Version 7.x) and .gmd (Version 4.x, 5.x) (source code) file itself. Users of Game Maker are allowed to sell creations as long as no copyrighted material is included without the copyright holder's permission (images, sounds, etc.)

Game Maker is becoming more widely known and used, with many sub-communities, such as 64Digits[2] and Games Showcase[3], among many others. It has attracted a substantial number of users; mainly because of the program's accessibility to beginners while still allowing complex tasks to be undertaken by more advanced users. It is not as narrow in game creation as some other programs, as it allows the creation of many types of games, including platform games, first-person shooters, third-person shooters, massively multiplayer online games and simulation games. Game Maker is fully capable of creating standard programs as well, making it a very versatile development platform.

Game Maker 7 still incorporates the use of Direct3D, allowing the usage of limited 3D graphics, and adds limited support for simple 3D models. Converters make it possible to use more popular 3D formats such as .3ds, and .obj for use in a 3D project. It also supports the ability to create certain particle effects like rain, snow, and clouds easily.

Here are some functionalities only available in the Pro Edition:
- You can use rotated, color blended and translucent sprites.
- There are additional actions for e.g. CD music, rotated text and colorized shapes.
- You can use special sound effects and positional sound.
- With the particle system you can create explosions, fireworks, flames, rain and other effects.
- A number of advanced drawing functions, for example colorized texts and texture polygons.
- It is possible to create multiplayer games that can be played over a network.
- You can define your own room transitions.
- You can include additional files in the game executables.
- The Pro Edition can easily be extended using extension packages. These can be made by everybody and will in general be provided free of charge.
- Three such extension packages are included adding many room transitions, windows dialogues and printing facilities.

New features in Game Maker 7:
- A new extension mechanism, making it possible to extend the functionality of Game Maker in many different ways. (Pro Edition Only)
- Splash screens now support animated pictures
- Solved security issues
- Windows Vista compatibility
- No additional system requirements than Game Maker 6
- Many other small additions and bug corrections (as outlined here in the "Bugs corrected in the newest version" section)
- Version 7.0 is mostly backwards compatible with version 6.x project files except for some minor changes in the newer version such as room transitions. Version 7 will also open version 6.x project files that were previous marked as corrupt.
- Registered users are not required to purchase a new license to upgrade to Version 7 Pro Edition; however users may need to obtain a new registration key. There are no guarantees that a user's registration license will be valid for future versions of Game Maker after 7.0.
- "Registered" version of Game Maker has been changed to "Pro" version
- Create extensions for Game Maker including action libraries, DLLs, and Game Maker Language(GML) scripts using the extension builder found on the Game Maker website.
- Encryption of version 7.x project files



- Много великолепно-смотрящихся шаблонов(платные просто отпад) , постоянно выходят новые и новые.
- Легка в настройке и управлении контентом.
- Очень много модулей , компонентов в том числе платных(платить сдесь) и очень разных.Постоянно появляются новые.
- Легка в кастомизации для клиента(или для себя).Изменить можно практически всё.
- Легка в переноске.Я уже практически ничего не делаю (дизайн студия), просто заливаю на хостинг клиента готовый билд , изменаю config.php ,база , убираю ненужные модули , менаю шаблон , мелкая доделка дизайна. кароче часа 3.Шеф берёт по 800-1200 $ за сайт..... я считаю очень высокоплачиваемый труд 300$ в час .

Вообшем знаниня PHP для базовой настройки :0
Хтмл тоже не нужно знать.
Лицензий никаких.

Вообщем надежная системка.Скоро выходит версия 1.5.Советую вообщем.

Не посчитайте за рекламу:

За небольшое вознагрождение могу скинуть весь билд со всеми модулями и базой,полностю по русски и десятком другим модулей , переколупанной вдоль и поперёк.

Aptana is a robust, JavaScript-focused IDE for building dynamic web applications. Highlights include the following features:

* Code Assist on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS languages, including your own JavaScript functions

* Outliner that gives a snapshot view of your JavaScript, HTML, and CSS code structure
* NEW: FTP/SFTP uploading, downloading and synchronization
* NEW: JavaScript debugger to troubleshoot your code
* Error and warning notification for your code
* Support for Aptana UI customization and extensions
* Cross-platform support
* Free and open source licensed under the Eclipse Public License, v1.0.

От себя: уже писал тут об этой вещи, но как раз перед тем как сайт лег и видно бэкап староват малость поэтому повторю.
Это не очередной редактор текстов с подсветкой, а полноценная среда разработки (IDE) заточенная под модную технология AJAX (WEB 2.0). Есть отладчик, code assist (рульная вещь, помимо свойств и методов покажет какой браузер их держит - пару раз ломал голову в чем ошибка - оказалось не держала опера те функуии), встроенный хелп и еще много чего содержит. Freeware, часто обновляется. Правда весит многовато ~60MB, но это того стоит.

Версии под Mac, Linux, Win:

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